Battle For Giostone Community

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  1. LorD.B

    Introducing the two-time...

    Welcome Buddy!
  2. LorD.B

    i've tried too hard for this

  3. LorD.B


  4. LorD.B

    Who is yong?

  5. LorD.B


    Thank you! Welcome
  6. LorD.B

    Mining ETH

    Are you guys still mining eth and what do you think for the future of proof of work ? I stopped mining 2 months ago
  7. LorD.B

    Gogmangog Sneak Peek!

    Thanks guys
  8. LorD.B


    Nice to meet you fam, hope you have a great stay. Also feel free to ask anyting you are interested regarding crypto / nft / metaverse. See you around (y)
  9. LorD.B

    Gogmangog Sneak Peek!

    Here's how Gogmangog does things in-game 👀
  10. LorD.B

    AIRDROP vol.1

    Of course!
  11. LorD.B

    DOTA 🥹

    Same, i'm playing Dota my whole life haha Stay tuned!
  12. LorD.B


  13. LorD.B

    What's your Dota 2 mmr ? ( ME FIRST )

    Dont talk .. give me ur crusader dotabuff :D
  14. LorD.B

    What's your Dota 2 mmr ? ( ME FIRST )

    Currently i'm holding at 5k MMR :D - My dotabuff What about you ?? Dotabuff or i dont believe haha
  15. LorD.B

    My very very very first thread post

    Welcome! Have a nice stay haha Got some NFT's ?
  16. LorD.B

    Reply cooldown

    I guess yep
  17. LorD.B

    Reply cooldown

    This Feature is added to avoid spam from bots ( if any ) trying to spam for points.
  18. LorD.B

    Web3 Games

    I'd love to see games with different Economy Model than the current one which has proven unstable. If you know any feel free to share them here :cool:
  19. LorD.B

    Opinions on ETH ?

    What are your opinions on ETH looking at the current market situation ? I wanna buy more but I think that it will drop below 800$ first. :D